life, self discovery / Poem / Uncategorized

The Defined.

mark out the boundary or limits of.
“clearly defined boundaries”

Does my ethnicity or my race define me?
Not beyond the color of my skin and hair.
Does my place of birth or my parents define me?
Not beyond the surname I inherit and the language I speak.
Does the religion I am born onto define me?
Not beyond the festivals I celebrate and the way I will be cremated.
Does my gender or my age define me?
Not beyond the way I look and my biological functioning.
Does my education or my occupation define me?
Not beyond my standard of living and my bank balance.
Does my social circle or my political inclination define me?
Not beyond where I party and which party I want to see in power.
What can define me are the boundaries that I draw for myself.
If I limit my peripheries to where my people live,
If I limit my knowledge to the books written in my language,
If I limit my understanding of God to what my scripture says,
If I limit my dreams to what my sisters have already achieved,
If I limit my interests to what I already know,
If I limit my interactions to a closed set of like minded people,
Then, I let myself be defined.
I want to grow beyond my limits and defined boundaries.
Embracing people and places beyond.
Reading and understanding the literature beyond.
Knowing and experiencing the divine beyond.
Visualizing and achieving the dreams beyond.
Learning and unveiling the mysteries beyond.
Acquainting and accepting the people beyond.
To indulge in the beauty of everything beyond “the defined”.

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Dr Anand
March 30, 2018 at 7:42 am

Well written deepa

March 31, 2018 at 3:11 am

Yes! There is such a difference between what “defines” us and what “limits” us. We are all many specific things, but that doesn’t mean we can reach out beyond those boundaries to meet new people, embrace new ideas and continue to grow (both intellectually and emotionally) throughout our lives. And just think how much more peaceful the world would be if we could learn to do this!
Thanks for one of the nicest posts I’ve read in a long time.

    March 31, 2018 at 7:01 am

    Today when so many people are crossing borders and settling in totally different cultures , the only thing that can help is embracing the new without limiting . I had always thought of define in a very positive way. Only recently I got aware of the limiting nature of define.
    Thank you Ann. Your comments always light up my post.

March 31, 2018 at 11:23 am

Journey well defined, beyond boundaries which we set and as we experience , maturity suggests it’s not possible to define . Dimensions are physical boundaries but some experiences goes beyond such explanations. Having an open mind , strengthing our minds is our next level of endeavour which takes the journey to a new experience.

    March 31, 2018 at 11:36 am

    True. We let all the tags attached to us define us and limit us. And the moment we start a journey beyond those tags, the experience itself changes.

April 1, 2018 at 10:32 pm

Wow. This is incredible. My favorite of all your posts, and something well worth printing and reading often. Beautifully written with meaning in every line.

April 6, 2018 at 2:41 am

This is beautiful and so well written. We are all on a unique journey and we are limitless aren’t we?

April 10, 2018 at 5:03 pm

There is such pressure to categorize ourselves, especially nowadays. I’ve always felt like each label we pin on ourselves takes away a little bit of our individuality.

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