life, self discovery / Poem / Uncategorized

Love Galore

Theme 1: First Love.
As she ran her fingers down his soft curly tresses;
He slowly opened his eyes for the very first time.
He looked into those big beautiful eyes;
And saw himself there for the very first time.
Theme 2: Love Drops
The cracks on earth seemed too big to handle;
The rain filled it up in no time, drop by drop.
The thirst to know initially seemed unquenchable;
Experiences in life took care of it, one by one.
Theme 3: Eternal Love.
Some keep asking; some are just quiet.
But all of them get what is best for them.
How does HE keep track of all his children.
That I guess is why HE is not understood by many.
Theme 4: Love Hope.
That rattle, that thumb, those best friends;
I let them all go one after the other.
It gives me hope in my love for salvation;
I can let go off everything else, when it’s time.

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