Self Discovery
Inward Journey Series

HE is Everywhere -Inward Journey Series

He Is Everywhere! 
I live in a pretty crowded part of the world. The sheer number of people around you can sometimes be overwhelming. I started looking at people are mere crowd creators. I knew I had to get over this feeling because it was having a negative impact on me.  HOW could I help myself was my question.
There are days when you wake up with a different kind of energy. Sometimes you just know that it is going to be a very productive day. For some of us, who celebrate a lot of festivals, most of the festival days are very special. The rituals and festivities apart, the inner energy itself is very different.
One such festival day, i woke up with a wonderful feeling. During the preparations and meditation, I knew I would find an answer today.
So with this thought in mind, I went about my chores of the festival day. When it was all over, I took out a spiritual book and wished for a message for me in the page that I open to read. I have done this very often. But this time, I did it with a different energy.
I opened the book and read out a story in it. The summary of the story is as follows: An old devotee was sitting on the floor with her legs stretched towards the direction where The Lord was sitting. Another (younger) devotee saw this and asked her to fold her legs else it might seem disrespectful. The old lady who was an enlightened soul and knew what she was doing asked the younger devotee, ” Is that so? Tell me in which direction is HE not present? ” She then turned her leg to another direction and to the surprise of the younger devotee, The Lord also shifted to that direction. The Lord got shifted to which ever direction she turned her legs to.
The moral of this story being ” Where is HE not present? ”
It was such an eye opener to me. I found my answer right there. I have to just remember that HE is present EVERYWHERE in EVERYONE and in ME. Isn’t that thought and that realization enough to make ME look at anyone and everyone with respect and gratitude.
I shall not elaborate it and spoil the very essence of that statement.
I still live in a very crowded place. But I look at the people around me as respectful human beings who are here to fulfill their life journey. I feel happy to see how hardworking people are. They don’t fill me with negativity anymore.

The same story can give you a different insight. Please feel free to leave your comments with regard to this topic.
Thank you for stopping by.

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October 25, 2017 at 9:14 pm

Hi. You stated the ultimate truth. That he is everywhere indeed

June 30, 2018 at 12:58 am

I can really identify with this as I am in the process of rediscovering my faith after quite an extended period of having let it lapse into a state of sad and unhealthy neglect. I am learning all over again that He is indeed everywhere and that I need to spend less time trying to predict my future and more time knowing and trusting that God in any faith will decide where my future is going to take me. He is by my side every step of the way. He is both surrounding me and inside me. A comforting thought, especially in times of trial … Ellie x

    July 10, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    Wow Ellie. Am glad you discovered the power within . It’s the power within that helps and guides you in the right direction. All the best and am sure you will go places with your new found self .. loads of love ..

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