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Answering My Questions (Final)

Answering My Questions (1)
Answering My Questions (2)
Continuing my Question Answer Series based on the Liebster Award Questions, here is what I think of the remaining questions :
7. When you see a butterfly sitting on a flower, would you follow the butterfly or admire the flower that it was sitting on once the butterfly starts to fly?
I love following butterflies. The colorful, ever energetic butterflies have taught me a lot of lessons ( The Day I Raced A Butterfly ) . I have had such beautiful conversations with butterflies ( The Best Outfit Ever).  So my obvious answer is I would follow the butterfly like a little girl drawn to her most favorite character in a fairy tale.
I would like to add that off late I have started noticing the flowers also. I have started to admire the beauty of the flower that can attract the butterfly. There are many a lessons to be learnt from them and I can feel that I am ready to have a conversation with the flowers now.
8. What have been your most important learnings since you started blogging. (2 of them please.) 
There are many lessons that I have learnt and many that I am yet to learn. It is such a coincidence that, just this week I have started writing a manual/journal about all my learnings from blogging so far. I have started noting down my journey so that when I reach my goal I can tell the story of the different phases of blogging from the perspective of a person in transition.
As a natural transition, most of the bloggers who start it as a hobby want to take it to the next level. The next level could be having an income from the blog or carving a niche for themselves in a particular style of writing or having a beautiful community in the blogosphere to share and discuss ideas with.
Setting goals for your blog and how you want to take it forward is beautiful process of learning. The best lessons that I have learnt so far (in addition to the technicalities of how to start a blog )  are:

  1. Every person has a different story to tell. There are thousands of stories and articles that get published every day on the internet and each one has a different approach and style. There is so much being shared and told. If a person wants to add his/her two cents to the big blogging world , then there is enough space there to accommodate it and there are enough people to read it and be touched by it.
    So, whatever apprehensions I had about starting a blog, being able to churn out articles and about getting views vanished the moment I learnt this.
  2. I have interacted with people from across the globe through my blogs and through the blogs that I follow and I have learnt that no matter how we look, what we eat, where we live or what we believe in, we can all connect through words and feelings. That is a direct connect from one heart to the other.
    The story of dreams and ambitions, the feelings of broken hearts and promises, the journey of motherhood, the empty nest syndrome, the beauty of rediscovering life, the creative minds of talented people…. All of these connect human minds and souls in ways that cannot be described.

These are the exact reasons why I love the blogging space.
Would love to know from my blogging friends what their most important learnings are.

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September 15, 2018 at 7:25 pm

That’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned from blogging, too. No matter that someone may live halfway around the globe, come from a completely different type of society, have a different religion and/or different political beliefs, or whatever the things are that would seem to divide us, the blogging world brings us together to share our thoughts and to be in relationship with each other. It is a huge gift to connect that way, and to be reminded of just how much all of us human beings have in common with each other.

September 16, 2018 at 1:18 am

You deserve an A+ for your responses, Deepa. I was inspired by your feelings about blogging, and how vast and varied the content is. Whether it is for sharing your ideas on life or self-discovery or just posting some pictures to document your travels, it is a very practical and wonderfully interconnected platform.

September 19, 2018 at 2:03 am

Nice post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about blogging.
I too love how blogging brings people together from all over the globe. I’ve noticed I have much in common with people whose backgrounds, cultures, and place of origins. are radically different from my own.

September 21, 2018 at 5:46 am

First of all, noticing the flower when a butterfly lands on it is a beautiful thought. I’m going to try that, too. Secondly, from blogging, I’ve discovered a virtual community that has developed over time, filled with very real people I’ve never met. It’s a world I can open and close at the click of a computer and it fascinates me. And…as you wrote in your last paragraph, it bonds people of all types, with all feelings, and of all cultures and backgrounds…together.

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