life, self discovery / Poem / Uncategorized

Light It Up

I waited alone for long in the dark
Hoping for things to mend
Praying for the sun to shine
Looking everywhere for a ray of hope
Waiting for someone to light a candle
Or  at least to guide me out
I sat there until I almost lost it
I could neither remember what I had in me
Nor recall what I looked like
Just before that final fall
I stumbled upon a cord that was hanging
I suddenly remembered it was a part of me
As though I knew exactly what had to be done
I stretched my hands to reconnect
To the very source of light itself
And, that was a temporary end
Of darkness and of fear
Of uncertainty and of despair
Now, I always try and remember
That I have a cord to reconnect
Whenever that darkness engulfs.

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June 10, 2018 at 5:14 am

I loved this! I think everyone who battles depression can relate to this. We all have that cord. The important thing is to remember we have it, and to use it when necessary. Thanks for the reminder!

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