life, self discovery / Poem

The Beauty Of Love.

She knew something was wrong;
She almost saw it coming.
She did not know how to respond;
For she was still learning about love.
The usual warmth was no more there;
Morning hugs seemed distanced.
The smile somehow seemed fake;
Homecoming greetings slowly dwindled.
They first met in a garden;
It was indeed love at first sight.
They moved in together very soon;
It was lot of love and warmth henceforth.
The first sight of the little one was ecstatic;
As it blossomed, their joy knew no limits.
They spent a lot of time with each other;
They did not have to speak to communicate.
People told such relations don’t last;
She did not believe them for sure.
She watered it and kept it in sunlight;
For she knew that’s all it needed.
One day she found it had completely dried up;
That fragrant flower had withered down.
The yellow leaves tried to smile but couldn’t;
The last breath just happened with a sigh.
She just couldn’t let it go;
Continued to water it and talk to it.
One season led to another;
She sat with it as though nothing had changed.
One fine day she was pleasantly surprised ;
She saw a small shoot coming out .
Her joy knew no end;
For she knew it had not failed her
The same process repeated for years ;
One plant leading to another.
Ephemeral plants have short life cycles;
But one plant always leads to another.
The change of plant did not bother her anymore;
For, she realized it was not about the plant.
It was about her love for the plant;
And that, she knew to give in abundance.
That is the beauty of love;
It is always upto the giver to keep giving.
The muse is just an excuse;
For the lover to keep loving.

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