Life Lessons
Life Lessons

Life Lessons

When we search for the word life lessons on the internet, we find some interesting results. The life lessons of many successful people from around the world show up in our search. Even more interesting and touching are the life lessons of people who have lived a very long life. They are sometimes called life regrets. Those lessons were learnt too late in life and some of them could not implement it into their own lives. Since they could not make those changes themselves, they have shared it so others benefit from their experience and regrets.

I post most of my blog posts under the category of life lessons. Since the day-to-day happenings in my life inspire my writing, I consider each of these topics as life lessons. The little learnings that I accumulate while dealing with the day-to-day affairs of life is what I call a life lesson.

We have to live through every moment of our life. We cannot go to the next moment without experiencing this one. Each of these moments, whether good or bad, is a unique experience. When we examine each of these moment closely, we are either learning something new or using our experience/ knowledge to tackle the situation that we are in, in that moment. Hence we are either learning or falling back on the lessons already learnt.

Some of the life lessons can change the course of our life. A big failure that taught us the importance of hard work is a life altering lesson. The grand success of a venture that taught us how to approach a new project is also a life altering lessons. I personally feel life lessons need not always be life altering. They can be little pointers that we make note of every single day. It is not necessary that we become aware of something today and it stays with us forever . We may end up learning the same lesson over and over again, and over a period of time, the lesson that we learnt becomes a part of our habit.

For example, when I wrote about Judging for the first time , I was learning about the harm that a judgmental person can do to one’s self. The second time around, it was more about cementing that learning through an experience I had while talking to an old friend. The point is that we learn, relearn and slowly it becomes a life mantra.

I feel very happy when my readers from all over the world resonate with what I write. But does that surprise me? Well, not one bit. The resonance is because we all have similar, simple, ordinary and beautiful lives. The events that happen in our lives may vary but the innate need to learn from our experiences and to better our lives, one experience at a time, one day at a time, remains the same.

Life is all about learning those lessons that come our way and embracing each experience that teaches us those valuable lessons. Cheers to life and the lessons that it teaches us!

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