Life Lessons

Not The Same.

In two of my favorite TV shows, one of the main characters of the show just got dropped off midway through the show. One of the characters strangely married her ex husband and moved to a different city. The other character suddenly decided she wanted a change of place and work. I looked up on the news related to the show on the Internet and learnt that they are not coming back to the show because of contract related issues. So these two characters ( in two separate shows thankfully ) will not be seen on the show anymore.

I am glad they twisted the storyline to validate their absence in whatever way they could . But that doesn’t take away the loss of appetite for the show that the absence of these characters brought about.

This happens with us at in life too . We associate a place or an activity to a person and then when that person moves out, we lose appetite for that activity or place. We feel all the memories of that place or activity are associated with that person. We stop looking at that place or activity as separate from that person.

The place could be a vacation spot or our home itself. It could be the gym or office or even a coffee shop. The sudden absence of a person from that place creates a void that we feel, cannot be filled.

And then, after a couple of episodes, the new characters in the TV show started to seem like a good fit and things started falling in place. There were references to those who left, but it sufficed to know that they were carrying on with their lives. The new characters became more and more likable and dependable. The appetite for the show slowly returned.

What cannot be changed has to be endured. This is something we learn with age and experience. By opening our heart to what we have, we can find a way to thrive.

We are not what we have lost, we are not what has been taken away from us. If we do not cherish what remains, we will all become as nothing. We are all as whole as we will ever be or have ever been. And when we cease to be, we will become memories.

I remember another dialogue from one of the shows I mentioned above . It says “ Memory is not about a place or a thing. It is something we carry with us and we can carry it with us no matter what. “ .

One mustn’t get frozen in the act of looking backwards. Be it in a TV show or life outside TV. So true, isn’t it!

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September 4, 2020 at 7:41 am

Deepa really liked how you related to the TV characters to life itself. Your post came in when I needed to hear it the most

September 5, 2020 at 1:00 pm

That’s so true! Especially now, when it seems that so many things I used to enjoy are nothing but a memory. But I can’t get stuck looking back, I have to enjoy the moment and hope for the future!

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