Life Lessons

Done and Dusted – Never.

A new Lego set gets delivered by Amazon. There is excitement and joy. The elaborate process of building the set starts. The building time is directly proportional to the size of the lego set which is directly proportional to the amount you have paid for the set. Once the set is built, a lot of time is spent in admiring it and talking about it.

All the previous lego sets come out of the shelf. They are all neatly exhibited on the table and pictures are taken. Each set brings back memories and those stories are shared. The entire process described above takes a couple of days.

And then?

The next project starts. There is research done to decide which set has to be ordered next. The mini figures that are sold with the set, the number of pieces the set has, the size of the final product etc are carefully studied and the item is placed on the Amazon Wish List.

Then starts the process of convincing others about why this particular set is more important than the previous one and why this one is necessary in any Lego collection. To help in the process of convincing there are efforts made to earn some brownie points by helping people in the house etc.

And then?

The wait for the next Lego set to be delivered starts ….

This is the story of a child and his lego sets.

Or, is it?

Isn’t this the story of our desires too? Isn’t this the story of our life too?

We work so had to fulfill a need. We hardly finish celebrating the fulfillment of that need, that the next one is already generated.

Will we ever say, ” I am done and dusted?” Perhaps, never!

This is the story of a child and his lego set and the story of our lives. From one lego set to another and from one desire to another to another to another..

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August 23, 2020 at 4:36 pm

You’re right! We do just wait for our next desire to be met. How much happier would we be if we learned how to be content with what we have?

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