qualities to be thankful for
life, self discovery

This Gratitude Season: Quality To Be Thankful For

We all have a lot of things to be thankful for, don’t we! We can start from the basic things that we are all privy to, like the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Lot of us can be thankful for the happiness we experience, the purpose of life that we have associated ourselves with and the engagements that give us a sense of fulfillment.  


A recent thought that occurred to me is: A person may have a big goal in life and a plan of action to achieve that. But, if that person does not have a drive to live each day, the determination to solve the problems that can spring up any day and the confidence in his own ability to have a productive day, despite everything else, he can collapse.  

We have examples of highly successful people who have succumbed to the pressures of day to day life in spite of all their achievements.

Linking it back to the thankfulness spirit that we are all celebrating this time of the year, I feel the need to identify that special quality/qualities in us that helps us pull along every single day. Let’s accept that days can get hard. It can throw surprises. It can find ways to test our patience and our trust in our own abilities. It can pull us from all sides and throw us upside down. 


During those tough times, the only thing that comes to our rescue is that magical quality/qualities in us. It can be our patience,  optimism, ability to let go, trust in god or the belief that everything will be fine in the end. 


If we can pull through a bad day, then, one day at a time we can achieve our goals. A bad day and bad decision can ruin everything that we have worked for if we do not know how to deal with it. 


So, this season of gratitude, let us work on identifying, acknowledging and appreciating that quality which  has kept us alive and helped us live our lives. It is that trump card which we are either born with or have acquired somewhere during our journey of life. We use it more often than we are probably aware of. 


We will always use it. By being aware of it, we are only further empowering it. So, here’s to that special quality which always helps us sail through, no matter what. 


Wishing all my readers a gratitude filled life. Let us celebrate ourselves and the qualities that we are blessed with. 


This time last year: Pay It Forward


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November 24, 2019 at 7:43 pm

Thank you! And I wish the same for you!

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