
Dreams On.

Waking up each day to fulfill our dreams is the biggest blessing.
Some dreams come true, some don’t. But some broken dreams do the magic that even fulfilled dreams don’t.
The following poem on broken dreams got published in spillwords.com . I am happy to share that link here :

Some Broken Dreams Never Die

Cherish you dreams : both broken and fulfilled. Both of them have come to you with a purpose.
So, dream on…

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June 15, 2018 at 11:28 pm

Congratulations on getting your poem published on spillwords.com – I really enjoyed it. 🙂

June 15, 2018 at 11:57 pm

Congratulations! That poem was very good, and very easy to relate to. I think all of us have broken dreams that won’t die (and why do we tell kids all their dreams will come true?). But sometimes they can come true in other ways, and other times, just having the dream is enough. You are a very talented writer!

Madhavan kadavakat
June 16, 2018 at 1:26 pm

Yes there are many broken dreams in one’s life.
A poem worth reading. Congratulations.

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