Self Discovery
Inward Journey Series

Thank You -Inward Journey Series

I recently asked my seven (well, almost eight) year old,” So, tell me what is the first word that comes to your mind when you are actually living your dream? ”
He has always and always wanted to join a particular sport coaching. And I recently enrolled him for one.  On the second day of that sport coaching, I asked him this question.
His reply was quick ” Thank You God!”
Today, I had a similar experience. I was in the middle of my work and when I paused for a while, I suddenly realized in that moment that I was actually living my dream too. And with that realization, I felt so overwhelmed with emotion that I felt as if I was just dissolving into everything around me. I am not sure if words can actually describe that feeling. But, I just ceased to exist as a separate entity and the only word that came out of me was “Thank You God!”.
I don’t know if that’s what my little boy experienced , but those were the exact words that came out of him too. “Thank You God! ”
No wonder every civilization ( structured and unstructured) has given a lot of importance to the concept of “gratitude”. Means to show gratitude varies from region to region. Gratitude has and always will be the easiest form of divine connect.
I have always loved to go through the Acknowledgement page of the book that I am reading. There, the author’s language and expression has a different texture. No matter what the story of the books is, the acknowledgement has a very humble and positive energy to it.
Similarly with the person who proposes the vote of thanks at a function. It is usually not the most aggressive talker but someone who can say ‘Thank You’ in plain simple words and actually mean it.
“Thank You” is a magical word indeed and no matter whom you say that to, mean it when you say it. When said to the divine, it fills us with a positive energy and when said to another fellow being, it brushes aside all differences and creates a wonderful connect between the two people.
May all of us be able to experience the divine connection and bliss through gratitude.

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December 2, 2017 at 6:08 am

Thank you : gratitude warmly expressed, so true, dreams realised in our journey adds value to our existence. we are indeed blessed, to live our dreams and are able to to help our beloveds to do so.
Living to Inspire, a habit which every mom does so naturally .
Genuinely liked what I read, simple and always positive 👍

December 3, 2017 at 8:34 am

Great post! Years ago when I was going through a rough time, a friend who was also a pastor told me that whenever something good happens, no matter how small, to simply think, “Thank you, God.” It was a way of recognizing that good things were happening even in the midst of trouble, and of offering gratitude for them. (For those who aren’t religious, I think a simple “Thank you” would also work.) And it did help, and I still do it to this day! It’s amazing what a difference simply remembering to be thankful can make!

December 3, 2017 at 11:55 pm

I like the way you say that you were just “dissolving” into everything around you. That is a very special realization that you are doing something you really love, and that you are truly alive.

December 10, 2017 at 6:06 pm

I love this and I share your philosophy. I’ve Ben writing in a Gratitude Diary every day for the past six years. Thank you for an inspired post

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