life, self discovery / Uncategorized

That Someone.

Whenever I thought I was alone,
Someone caught up.
Holding hands, Patting shoulder;
Listening to me and chatting with me.
Whenever I thought I was lost,
Someone showed up.
With the indicator, leading the way;
Guiding me and lighting up the place.
Whenever I thought I was in pain,
Someone came to me.
Wiping my tears, asking me to smile;
Reminding me of good times and cheering me up.
That “someone” has come and gone so many times,
It all happens before I can gather myself up ;
To ask his name or where he lived
Because that “someone” left as soon as I was fine.
I have often looked around,
To catch a glimpse of that “someone”.
I never found anyone near or far.
Until one day when I saw my own reflection.
I have often run around the place,
Screaming out loud for that “someone”.
Hoping my voice reached those ears,
Until one day when I heard my own echo.
My reflection looked like that person,
Who had lent me a shoulder and held my hands.
My echo sounded like that voice,
Which had talked to me and comforted me.
It was my inner strength which always consoled me.
It was my inner light that always showed me the way.
It was my inner voice that always transformed me.
It was me myself who always showed up for me.

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November 3, 2017 at 10:53 am

That someone could be another person but if u and your inner self its much better. It is said that inside us resides God. Maybe that God is someone for u

November 3, 2017 at 12:20 pm

Well penned, Deepa

November 4, 2017 at 2:45 am

I loved this! While others can, and sometimes do, comfort and cheer us, it is ultimately our inner strength that keeps us going in the rough times.

November 4, 2017 at 5:29 am

Very nice Deepa…

November 6, 2017 at 9:02 pm

Wonderful message and beautifully written. It made me think of the freedom and independence I am fortunate to possess.

November 7, 2017 at 4:05 am

These lovely words are a beautiful reminder that we are never truly alone…

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