Fitness / Fitness & Healthy Life

The GymKind.

It has been a while since I wrote about one of my favorite topics : Health and Fitness. Some of my friends talked to me in detail about my previous blog on this topic : Your Health, Your Choice.  Some also mentioned about how they still can’t stop smiling when they are on a treadmill and think of the issues in the measurement concepts in mathematics. (Run Baby Run) . Thank you for those kind words.
Today being World Heart Day, all the gyms in my part of the world are running promotional offers for those interested in achieving their heart goals. ( i mean getting all those numbers right. ) I love my gym but would not call myself a gymaholic. ( yes, I found that word on a t-shirt recently) There are days when my gym buddy has to lure me into going to the gym by reminding me of a dress that I have been planning to buy. But once inside the gym, I know I rock! 🙂

I would like to call the gym as a place of possibilities. I become a possibility of enjoying good health, possibility of a fit body and mind, possibility of all that I have always wanted in terms of health and fitness . 

Frankly, I have never felt more optimistic and passionate about all my dreams and my ambitions anywhere else.( Other than in my dreams of course).  Research associates it with all the good hormones that are released during workout. But my buddy says it could also be because of some of the good looking people who keep walking around. (hmm.. I don’t disagree! ) 

Gym can actually be fun because it is a place where you find the most self obsessed people on the earth. You just have to keep your eyes open. One LOL moment that I see everyday is the way people stand all beefed up in font of the mirror. The moment they move away from the mirror, their are back to their actual vital statistics. And a lot of times, there is a considerable mismatch. 
I will categorize the gymkind ( referring strictly to that part of the mankind who are familiar to the word gym and have at some point of time considered stepping into the gym) into 5 different categories based on their gymming habits.
Category 1: The gym dwellers: I am not talking about the instructors and trainers but the category of people who almost live there. They exercise day and night. Their goals keep get bigger ( and so do their muscles) . I sometimes wonder whether they are on a sabbatical in order to spend time in the gym.
If you belong to this category, common, get a life outside the gym!
Category 2: The dedicated members: They are very strict about the amount of time they spend in the gym and they do it every day. Absolutely no cheat days (unless the gym is closed on account of natural calamity warnings) . They don’t waste time in the gym. Their mission is clear and they don’t mind making other people wait or move places so that they can finish their exercises.
If you belong to this category, please be considerate to you co-gymmers. There are also there for a purpose. 🙂
Category 3: The semi-dedicated members: They are very prompt in taking an yearly membership and are very regular for the first couple of months. They have to keep getting motivated by the instructor or their gym buddy or something else (like a dress in the store or a vacation coming up) in order to stay focussed. They don’t mind helping out or befriending their co gymmers.
If you belong to this category, please work on self-motivation factors. How long can others keep motivating you!
Category 4: The tomorrow-onwards members: They enroll themselves into a gym, go there a couple of times every month and then find an excuse to not attend for the rest of the month. They either have too much work or too little work at office which stops them from going to the gym. But they do proudly talk about the membership that they hold in a particular gym.
If you belong to this category, then keep a 3 days a week goal so that you know it’s only those many days that you have to go there!
Category 5:The almost-there members: These people have always wanted to get enrolled in a gym. (like, since the time they were born! ) They read about all the benefits of gymming and ask their gymming friends about the type of exercises they do and how they have benefited from it. In spite of all the knowledge and research, they never reach the gym.
If you belong to this category, Just join a gym near you!
I am a category 3 member. 
Which category do you fall into?
Disclaimer: Each form of exercise has its own benefits. Gym is just another place for ensuring regular and monitored exercising. It is more important to understand your body’s exercise requirements and then select a form of exercise accordingly. 
Wishing everyone a Healthy Heart today and always.

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September 30, 2017 at 6:18 am

I like the idea of the gym as a place of possibility. It’s so true. (And it’s a possibility that one day I’ll drag myself back there!)

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