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Wrong or Right.

The first time he made a small mistake,
She thought it was too early to correct the little boy.
The next time he hit someone and ran from school,
She thought he was only being defensive.
The time he dropped out of college ,
She thought she was not qualified enough to advice him.
The time she caught him in bad company getting influenced by wrong ideologies,
Her guilt of having given him a difficult childhood stopped her from correcting him.
The time he came home crying and pleading her to get him out of his habits,
She thought it was her chance to stand up for him and help him.
The time he went back to the bad old habits,
She wept quietly thinking she had not done enough.
All this while, the mother in her let him go,
Silently praying and hoping he would mend his ways.
She knew she had done “wrong”,
But she did not know the “right”.
She rushed home after she heard the news,
She screamed and cried all along.
Her heart bled for the loss of innocent lives,
Who had done absolutely no wrong.
The woman in her could no longer bear it,
His apology and tears did not do the trick anymore.
She knew she had failed as a mother,
But she did not want to fail as a woman.
As she waited for the cops to turn up,
To collect his body and to arrest her,
She knew she had not done “the right”,
But she knew she had not done wrong either.

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