First Blog Post
Favorites / life, self discovery

My First Blog Post

My First Blog Post

This is my “first blog post”. What took me so long? Why haven’t I blogged for the last 30 plus years? And, why now?

If you are someone who is about to write your first blog post, I am sure you have all these questions in your mind. ( of course there could be different number in place of the number 30  )

Well, I haven’t blogged for the last 30 plus years because:
I learnt my spellings only when I was 6. I couldn’t write anything before that. And hence could not blog for the first 6 years of my life!!🙂

Blogging History

I have also been curious about the blogging history. Sitting in my home in a small corner of the world, I have read so many blogs from people around the world and I have often wondered how all of this started. How did the first person write his/her very first blog post?

According to wiki, the modern day blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers.

Justin Hall, who began eleven years of personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the earliest bloggers. Blogging gained popularity by 2004.

Today, there are close to 300 million blogs on the Internet. There are around 400 million blog posts being published every day. I wonder how many of them are writing their “first blog post” today!

I did not blog for a very long time  (say, 2004 to 2016 ),  because there were some questions that I was trying to find answers to. In this very first blog post of mine, I have put down those questions and how I found the answers for them. Those answers convinced myself to write my very first blog post.

Please note that I am doing this because anyone who reads this first blog post (fingers and toes crossed , hoping at least a couple of people read it) and is going through a similar dilemma, can identify with this and take the first baby step towards blogging because as I am doing this, I realize it is so much fun!

The questions that I finally answered:

1. If there are millions of blogs on the internet, why would anyone ready my blog ?

Answer: The world population is estimated to be around 7.4 billion. Around 40% of the population is assumed to have Internet access. So, my blog is accessible to a whooping 2.96 billion people on earth (and who knows, may be, as many , outside..🙂 ) If a dozen of them read my blog and at least a couple of them are able to relate to it, or identify with it or smile while reading the blog, I will consider myself as a successful blogger.

2. What do I write about?

Answer: I can write about anything I want to. I can aim at one article a week to start with and increase if I feel like it. As I was writing this blog, I could identify at least 5 more topics that I would like to write about. So, if the blogging quotient of the universe has been calling you, then it is only about taking the first step. Everything else follows…

3. What is the format that I should follow in my blog?

Answer: After analyzing some of the blogs that I read, I have decided to follow the following format/pattern in my blogs:
The topic that I choose will be supported by some data that I can research and find out. The blog will have some of my personal viewpoints and experiences and will aim at inspiring the readers to think about the topic.

4. I am not a writer by profession!! Is it okay to not be a professional writer and start a blog? 

Answer: Well, I am not a writer by profession, that’s why I am writing a blog and not a book!🙂
So here I am, completing my very first blog post, from the comforts of my home and feeling extremely proud about becoming a blogger!

To Conclude:

If you have been thinking of blogging and this article has helped you in any way, do leave me a comment. Congratulations on taking that first step. To you and to me!

I have just written my first blog post and I couldn’t be happier.

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Madhavan kadavakat
December 21, 2016 at 10:52 pm

The poetry on ‘my daughter’ is beautiful, written with affection and deep thinking. Your other blogs also very good. I know you have talent and now it comes out. Write more and more.

October 18, 2017 at 6:22 am

This is beautiful. It is lovely to meet you! Blessings, Debbie

November 1, 2017 at 11:56 am

Ah Blogging and the joy it gives us…. that’s mainly why most of us are here. Nice First Post. 🙂

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