life, self discovery

Daily Prompt: Critical

via Daily Prompt: Critical
CRITICAL: (Adjective) – Important. This is the meaning that I have used for this blog.
I have always wondered what makes people go through a lot of adversities, pain ( physical and mental) and torture during their journey towards achieving something that they have set out to achieve.
Let me elaborate this thought:
A soldier fighting on the fronts or fighting in another country for a cause goes through so much of physical and mental pain. He put his life at risk and fights. He knows that he might not go back home alive.
A person in search of the larger meaning of life, puts himself through a lot of ordeal in order to find that higher purpose. Some travel east to the Himalayas and go through a lot of physical pain. They detach themselves from every other thing that was near and dear to them.
A student who really wants to get admission into a particular university or school burns the midnight oil in order to achieve his goal. He is not bothered about the soccer matches he misses or the rock concerts that he cannot attend during those days. He forgoes everything else in order to succeed in his pursuit.
The CRITICAL thing here is how CRITICAL is a particular thing for you. And to what extend will you go in order to achieve it. Everything else becomes secondary for that person.
The most CRITICAL thing for a soldier is his duty which is protection of his country and countrymen.
There is nothing more CRITICAL for a seeker than to keep seeking the larger purpose of life.
The student knows how CRITICAL it is for him to put in his 100% in order to achieve his goals in life.
It is very CRITICAL for everyone to identify their goals in life.
It is CRITICAL to work towards those goals.

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