life, self discovery

Pasta and My Life ..The spices! 

via Daily Prompt: Spicy
Pasta and My Life … How I make both of them spicy! 
Recipe No.1
Boil water. Add some salt and pasta. Cook for about 6 minutes. Drain the water from the pasta and keep it aside.
Now, cut some onions, bell pepper, broccoli and carrots. Saute them in a wok with some butter and once they are soft, add the cooked pasta into it and mix them well.
Result:  A plain bland pasta which will be eaten by people but never relished or remembered.
Recipe No. 2
Boil water. Add some salt and pasta. Cook for about 6 minutes. Drain the water from the pasta and keep it aside.
Now, cut some onions, bell pepper, broccoli and carrots. Saute them in a wok with some butter. Add Hot Pepper (Peperoncino), Oregano (Origano), Basil (Basilico), Rosemary (Rosmarino), Thyme (Timo) and Parsley (Prezzemolo) once the vegetables are soft.  Add the cooked pasta into it and stir some tomato basil pesto sauce and mix them well. Garnish it with grated mozzarella cheese and serve hot.
Result: A yummy pasta that people will eat, relish, remember and come back for more.
That is the importance of spice in cooking. It adds taste and nutrients to any food right from a plain salad to a hot Indian curry!
A day in My Life ( Long ago): Wake up, have breakfast, rush to office, work, get back home, cook, eat , read a book , sleep.
Result: An ordinary life. 
A day in My Life ( Today) : Wake up, pack snacks and lunch for kids, see the kids off, rush to the gym, workout, breakfast , research for blog, get ready, leave for lunch with friends, crazy conversations with crazy bunch of friends, rush home, drop kids off for activity classes, dinner prep, pick up kids, listen to their never ending stories , help kids with school work, finish my blog entry, read a bed time story, drag myself to the bed, hold a book in my hand, sleep.
Result: An extraordinary, spicy and fulfilling life.
The components that add the required spice into my otherwise ordinary life are my family and their ever increasing demands, my friends who are getting crazier with age, my passion for blogging and the eternal search for topics and ideas to write about and my dreams and aspirations that always keep me on my toes.
All these spices in the right proportion makes my life a wonderful culinary experience which I relish , shall always remember and most importantly don’t mind revisiting! 

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