First Blog Post

Throwback Mode

Recently while applying for a freelance writer’s job, I was asked to send them the links to some of my articles. I was also asked to describe the topics that I write about. I went through all my 173 posts to pick the ones that I wanted to send to that organization. It took up a lot of time but I was glad I did it. I read some of my own articles as though I was reading it for the first time. Reading some of them were like reiterating some of my life lessons.

I was able to clearly see that I write about the different journeys of life.

  1. The journey of motherhood
  2. The journey of thoughts
  3. The fitness journey and
  4. The inward journey of someone learning to find peace within.

These four pillars provide the support and structure to whatever I write. I am on all these journeys at the same time and they peacefully coexist, supporting and complimenting each other.

I am glad all these journeys are continual, ongoing ones. I will always have more to learn and more to write about.

Looking through all those articles, I decided to pull out 4 of them today for this week’s blog.

  1. Stay At Home Moms:

  2. For a lot of us, this is the beginning of a new journey. How we make use of this time and where we end up after this break, is something that we have to give a lot of thought to. I enjoyed putting together this article and was extremely happy with the kind of feedback I got from so many women. 

2. May The Madness Be With You: 

As I look at my life, I can identify many such barren lands which I left untouched and unexplored because of the acquired intelligence which gave me reasons enough to not venture into it. The madman in my story made me aware of it.

3. Run Baby Run:  

That first step towards a journey of running is the most difficult and the most fulfilling. For a person who never played any sport in college, I had to really push myself to start running and I am so glad I did it. The thrill and happiness of reaching the finish line is bliss! This is one journey where both the destination and the process feels equally euphoric!


4. An Inward Journey: Thank You.  Self Discovery

There is no better and easier way to connect to the divinity than having a feeling of gratitude. Thank You is indeed a magic word and it has the power to transform life. Feeling of gratitude cannot coexist with any other negative emotion. It fills us with bliss from within.


I enjoyed this throwback journey too .

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October 6, 2019 at 6:56 am

Thanks for the links! And it’s fun to go back and read through old posts, as patterns in what we write about and how we write definitely emerge. I think it helps us to realize what we really think about things, and that’s a good thing!

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