life, self discovery

Am I good enough

Am I good enough? We often ask this question to ourselves in many different ways:
Am I intelligent enough?
Am I capable enough?
Am I pretty enough?
Am I hard working enough?
Am I strong enough?

I have asked myself this question a zillion times. A fist bump to you if you have done it too. I have been trying to work around ways to find an answer to this question for a zillion years (or at least that is how it feels). I struck gold when I started reading up on the different ways in which we can work with our mind to help us get answers to such questions .

Now, I have started looking at this question as a great opportunity for myself. (Nope, not because I am able to write a blog post about it 🙂 ).

It is an opportunity because:

  1. The only way to work around this question is to look at it as an opportunity. I can turn around the “energy” or the “mood” of the question by doing so.
    It just affirms the fact that I am keen on working around the question and turing around the circumstance in my favor.
  2.  I am asking this question to myself and hence I can answer it in a way that can satisfy me.
    We sometimes forget that when our mind tricks us with such questions and remarks, the only person that we have to answer to and convince is ourself and our own mind. The only way to win over the mind is to counter argue with valid points and with proofs. Just the way we would do with another person when we try to prove our point.
  3.  “Enough” is a very subjective word. It means “as much as required.” It is up to me to define the “required”. Hence it is easy to tell myself that I am good “enough”..

I am not talking about those instances where there is a clear way to answer that question. For example, when I ask myself ” Am I proficient enough in Spanish?” I can look up for a test to know if I am proficient enough or to measure my proficiency levels.

This question hurts the most when it pops up just before we make an important decision, like, applying for a job. This is how I deal with it:

  • I ask myself , “Am I good enough to apply for a particular job”.
  • I tell myself  “Yes, I am.”
  • Since my mind always looks for reasons to believe whatever is said, I add ” I am good enough because, I have the required qualifications”.
  • I further add ” It is the job of the interviewer to decide if I am good enough for the job. Not mine. I will apply for the job and prepare for it. “
  • By doing so, I do not let go the job just because of that nagging question “Am I good enough”.

While reading up some articles for this blog, I came across this post on  how lack of confidence affects the career and life of people. I found it interesting. Read this article here.

How do you deal with this question? Do share your tips and tricks.

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